Management of Health and Safety.
- as established by the relevant legislation for the Management Health and Safety System (UNI ISO 45001:18), describes the document relative to its own Safety Policy
- considers the Health and Safety at work, with their results, as key element and integrating the company's organization, for the achievement of excellence in the company activity. Therefore sets the objective to carry out all activities so that they do not cause risk of injury or disease to their employees, suppliers, visitors and customers in addition not to cause damage to: facilities, equipment, buildings and materials or any other property as consequence of an accident, fire or other hazard
- undertakes to develop, implement and maintain an ongoing improvement process that is based primarily on the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards and risks, and it is based on the respect of all applicable disposition, national and EU, in the field of Health and Safety at Work also considering technical standards and international standards (e.g. the guidelines UNI-ISO 45002).
The success of this policy requires the involvement and active participation of all the company's employees and a strict compliance with the regulations of the Management System for Health and Safety at Work
- is committed to make available appropriate resources to fulfill the commitments of this policy by ensuring, at the same time, that employees and their representatives (Representatives of Workers for the Safety) are consulted and involved in every major phase of the process and requires that everyone adopt behaviors that do not expose themselves or others to the risks in compliance with the applicable law, with this policy and with the defined procedures
- it employs a competent staff and ensures that it receives adequate information, training and education to be able to securely manage work activities and responsibilities. It will set goals and fulfillment programs aimed at raising awareness of safety, for all levels of the organization and these will be evaluated as part of the annual review
- is committed so that the contents of the Health and Safety at Work Policy are publicized within the company, jointly with the objectives and implementation programs
- shall ensure that the principles of its policy are being communicated to all the employees and suppliers in order to engage and sensitize them to the adoption of responsible behaviors and of effective preventive and protection measures.
This document containing the Health and Safety Policy is published on the web site ITALFARMACO SpA (Https://, a copy is also shown on the main notice boards of the company and thus be available to all interested parties, both external and internal. The Health and Safety Policy is reviewed annually by the management to ensure that it always remains adequate, coherent and appropriate to its activities.